Monday 26 September 2011

How to Advertise on Facebook

Facebook has over 600 million users, and more than 50% of them log in daily. While advertising on Facebook does cost money, case studies have shown that the return on investment can be significant. Facebook Ads is the new advertising frontier, and advertisers can use Facebook's demographic information to target ads to niche groups. Anyone can create a Facebook ad, whether it’s for a Facebook Page, Event, App, other destination on Facebook, or your own website. Read the article below to find out how.

Advertise on Facebook


  1. 1
    Register as a user on Facebook, if you don't already have an account. While your event or business does not have to have a Facebook presence, you do need to be a registered Facebook user in order to advertise on Facebook.
  2. 2
    Make sure you have all the information you need for creating a Facebook ad. Depending on what you plan on advertising, this can include a website URL; event times, dates or places, such as the details of a special performance at a nightclub; or a photo or logo to include with the ad.
  3. 3
    Go to your Facebook home page and on the right-hand sidebar, look for the section marked “Sponsored,” where ads appear. Next to the word “Sponsored” is a link that reads, “Create an Ad.” Click on that button.
    Go to your Facebook home page and on the right-hand sidebar, look for the section marked “Sponsored,” where ads appear.
     Go to your Facebook home page and on the right-hand sidebar, look for the section marked “Sponsored,” where ads appear.
  4. 4
    Design your ad. Note that for each choice you make when creating your ad, Facebook automatically generates a preview at the bottom of the page so you can see instantly what your ad will look like before proceeding.
    Design your ad.
     Design your ad.
    • Destination: Choose between an external URL (website) or a Facebook page you have created.
      Destination: Choose between an external URL (website) or a Facebook page you have created.
       Destination: Choose between an external URL (website) or a Facebook page you have created.
      • For an external URL, you’ll need to include the URL in the proper field. Then enter the title of your ad, the body of your ad copy and an image or logo.
      • For a Facebook page you can choose between Sponsored Stories, which includes either a story about the viewer's friends or a story about your Facebook Page posts, or Facebook Ads, which includes a specific message and call to action written by you.
        • For a Sponsored Story, you’ll need to choose between a Page Like Story and a Page Post Story. A Page Like Story will show the user a friend who likes your page, with the call to action being a “Like” button. A Page Post Story shows the user an excerpt and image from your last post on Facebook; here, the call to action includes a comment button, a “Like” button and a Share button.
        • For a Facebook Ad, you will need to choose the Destination Tab or which tab of your Facebook page the link in your ad will direct the user. Then you can include the body of your ad copy and an image or logo.
  5. 5
    Select the audience you wish to reach.
    Select the audience you wish to reach.
     Select the audience you wish to reach.
    • Location: Choose a specific city, state/province or country where your ads will be seen.
    • Demographics: Choose an age range and whether you want to target men, women or both.
    • Likes & Interests: Enter a specific interest, and Facebook will match your ad with the home pages of users who have included that interest in their profiles.
    • Connections on Facebook: Choose whom you’d like to target; choices range from only your friends to people who are or are not fans of your page, to all of Facebook.
      • Advanced targeting options include level of education of the user, whether to target people on their birthdays, language and relationship status.
  6. 6
    Select whether you will pay by clicks or views and set your price.
    Select whether you will pay by clicks or views and set your price.
     Select whether you will pay by clicks or views and set your price.
    • Campaigns, Pricing and Scheduling: Here, you can choose the currency you want to use when paying for your ads, your daily or entire campaign budget, and when you’d like your ad to appear.
  7. 7
    Review your ad. Make sure that all of your information is correct. On this page, you have the chance to go back and edit any part of the ad you’ve designed.
  8. 8
    Place your order. You can pay by credit card or by PayPal.
    Place your order.
     Place your order.

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